Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 15th-October19th

Hello Kindergarten families!!!
We have had a great week so far.  We are working on our farm unit.  the students are very excited to learn about farms and what food that we get from them.  We will be making butter this week that the children will be bringing home, it is safe to eat.  Enjoy!!!  We will also be learning how to milk a cow and have a taste test of some different cheeses next week.
Sight words this week are he and she.   Please practice all sight words learned so far.  We will be testing next week for report cards.  The word family this week is -et(bet, set, let, met, yet, get, jet, net, pet, vet).  It helps to make flash cards and just quickly review sight words and word families each day.
We are continuing to work on number recognition 1-30, count to 100 by 1's, 5's and 10's, and tally marks.
Halloween will be celebrated on Friday, October 26th.  This is the day of our Halloween Fun Fest and the day the students can dress up.  Feel free to bring in a treat for the students.
Have a great week!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 1 - October 5

We have finished up our Ocean theme and will begin talking about fams next week.  This week we are continuing to learn a little bit about the Dominican Republic.  The students learned a jump rope song that you should be able to view from the school website.  We have made traditional Dominican Republic carnival masks and learned a little about some people that are from this country.
Sight words this week are like and see.  Next week the sight words will be look and that.
Word family this week is -ag (bag, tag, rag, sag)
We have started the alphabet over again.  We are now looking for better writing where the students are writing the letters correctly on the lines.
Make sure you are reading to your child each night.
book reports will go home on Friday and will be due next Friday.

                                                          Our ocean mural!  come and check it out!

                                                         Dominican Republic masks

We had a great time at the aquarium and look forward to more successful field trips throughout the year.  Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4- September7

Hi Kindergarten Families!
I hope everyone enjoyed their extra day off.  We are beginning our Ocean them this week.  We will be learning all about the ocean and the creatures that live there.  We will be sending home information on our first family project.  Each child will learn about one sea creature and then create this creature at home and bring it in.  It can be created from a variety of material.  Please be creative!  We do not want the picture drawn on paper and then brought in by student.  We want a 2d or 3d art project. Both Kindergartens will hang up their projects together in a mural in the hallway.  Your child must be able to present information about their creature in class.  I hope to send home the creature with your child today in Tuesday folder.
Sight words this week: a, I  Last week: and, the
Word Family -an(can, ran, fan, tan, man)
Letters this week-H-K
Math-Learning to pattern, sort and number recognition

Friday, August 31, 2012

August 27th-August 31st

The first week of school has been a very exhausting one for the students.  They are learning how to work in Kindergarten centers and realizing they are responsible for more things this year.
I will be posting pictures here on a weekly basis.  I will also list the sight words, letters of the day, word family and skills that were working on.
Sight words:  the, and
word family:-at (cat, bat, rat, hat, fat, mat, pat, sat)
Letters and sounds:A-G
We have also been working on rhyming, counting, patterning, beginning sounds and following directions.
Please work on some of these skills at home too.  All can be done as a game.  For example, kids love to play "I spy".  You can play this game with letters and beginning sounds.  The adult (or older child) can say "I spy something that starts with c".  
Also, please read with your child 15-20 minutes each night.  Have them pick out the sight words while you are reading.
I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and we will see you Tuesday.  Please feel free to email me with any question,

Friday, August 24, 2012

A little about myself....

My name is Deirdre Clark-Garcia and I currently teach Kindergarten at St. Sylvester School.  I have taught here for six years, five of which have been in Kindergarten and one year in preschool.  I absolutely love this school and have three of my own children attending here.  I love teaching Kindergarten and creating fun and exciting ways for the students to learn.  I will be posting all the fun things that we do this year along with any special announcements.
We have begun this school year with a pirate theme!  Arrrg you ready for Kindergarten?

The students started on Wednesday and to get a little comfortable in the classroom, we started with an art project.  The students made pirate faces and then printed their name underneath the face.  This was a good assessment to see which students were familiar with writing their name.  After that, the students went on a treasure hunt.  Each student was given a treasure map of the school.  This was to give them a tour around the school in a fun and exciting way.  The map led us to the playground where there was a hidden treasure full of prizes.  The students picked a prize and were off to play.  I think they had a great first day.  Except for the crying when they realized we took all their supplies from their backpacks.:)