Friday, August 24, 2012

A little about myself....

My name is Deirdre Clark-Garcia and I currently teach Kindergarten at St. Sylvester School.  I have taught here for six years, five of which have been in Kindergarten and one year in preschool.  I absolutely love this school and have three of my own children attending here.  I love teaching Kindergarten and creating fun and exciting ways for the students to learn.  I will be posting all the fun things that we do this year along with any special announcements.
We have begun this school year with a pirate theme!  Arrrg you ready for Kindergarten?

The students started on Wednesday and to get a little comfortable in the classroom, we started with an art project.  The students made pirate faces and then printed their name underneath the face.  This was a good assessment to see which students were familiar with writing their name.  After that, the students went on a treasure hunt.  Each student was given a treasure map of the school.  This was to give them a tour around the school in a fun and exciting way.  The map led us to the playground where there was a hidden treasure full of prizes.  The students picked a prize and were off to play.  I think they had a great first day.  Except for the crying when they realized we took all their supplies from their backpacks.:)

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